My Story

Jenny Charles Ceramics

I was in my late twenties when I finally enrolled at the local Art College to do a DipAD specialising in sculpture. 
After the four year course I found myself drawn to working with clay. During the early years of setting up a studio, I spent a considerable amount of time experimenting and attending many courses given by well respected Potters. I took that knowledge to suit my style.

I love working with clay. There are as many different types of clay as there are methods of making and firing. I use either a red clay or a pure white clay. Initially, I used to use coils of clay to make very organic pots . Now I use slabs of clay with templates I make myself to enable me to have a more controlled finish. This allows me to make small runs of similar pots. I fire in an electric kiln.

Jenny Charles Ceramics
Jenny Charles Ceramics
Jenny Charles Ceramics

My inspiration comes from life itself. I let it find me and move me so that every piece is shaped with intent. The forms I make intentionally illuminate the perfection of imperfection. The Japanese call it wabi -sabi.
Like each one of us, each pot is unique and belongs as it is.

My work embraces stories that bring joy to the process and for me bring the clay alive. I gather “ treasures” that wash up on my metaphoric shore and nurture my desire that my work becomes more than just clay and glaze. All the stories and rhythms are woven into the heart of my work.

My work sold well in Craft Council selected galleries and I exhibited widely in 
group and solo exhibitions in Uk, France and Germany.

Jenny Charles Ceramics
Jenny Charles Ceramics

I took a couple of years out to train as a ceramic conservator/ restorer and worked in this profession for 10 years until the call of clay became too loud and I returned to making again.
In 2013 I fulfilled a long held ambition to live in Scotland. Home of both my birth and my family.

So leaving the south of England, family and friends behind we started a new life in Highland Perthshire.

So, here I am now with a new studio in Blair Atholl, with a couple of galleries here in Scotland selling my work , whilst I still retain work in a gallery in Hampshire. I’m restricting myself to just a few exhibitions per year and this suits my new slower pace of making.

I make with my hands and they are an extension of my heart. Therefore , I work with my heart.


Colin Cadle & Janet Ormond

“This is a simple note of appreciation for your excellent work. I am sure most artists, although happy to sell their work never get to see where or how their pieces are displayed. May we thank you and wish that you continue to produce such stunning pieces.”
Jenny Charles Ceramics

Some of the Wonderful People I Work With


Goldsmith College, London- Dip HE

Southampton School of Art – Dip AD Fine Art (Sculpture)

Eastleigh Tech College BTEC Public Administration

West Dean College – Post Graduate Diploma in Ceramic Conservation and Restoration.

Positions Held

Member of Scottish Potters

Chair of Southern Ceramic Group and also Membership Secretary

Company Secretary and Director of Perthshire Open Studios

Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen

Associate member of the Craft Potters Association